Mussels with Thai herbs and Seafood Nham Jim Dipping Sauce🐚 🌶 🌿
Mussels with Thai herbs and Seafood Nham Jim Dipping Sauce🐚 🌶 🌿

Hey everyone, it’s Brad, welcome to our recipe site. Today, we’re going to make a distinctive dish, mussels with thai herbs and seafood nham jim dipping sauce🐚 🌶 🌿. One of my favorites. This time, I am going to make it a bit tasty. This is gonna smell and look delicious.

Mussels with Thai herbs and Seafood Nham Jim Dipping Sauce🐚 🌶 🌿 is one of the most popular of current trending meals on earth. It’s simple, it is fast, it tastes yummy. It’s appreciated by millions daily. Mussels with Thai herbs and Seafood Nham Jim Dipping Sauce🐚 🌶 🌿 is something that I’ve loved my whole life. They’re fine and they look fantastic.

If you have good seafood, this is the only sauce you need. In Thailand, there is never a seafood feast without this sauce. Garlicky, spicy, tart, it augments the flavour of shrimp, crab, fish, lobster, mussels…any kind of seafood you're having really!

To get started with this recipe, we must first prepare a few ingredients. You can have mussels with thai herbs and seafood nham jim dipping sauce🐚 🌶 🌿 using 13 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you cook it.

The ingredients needed to make Mussels with Thai herbs and Seafood Nham Jim Dipping Sauce🐚 🌶 🌿:
  1. Make ready 1/2 kg fresh mussels
  2. Prepare 2 stalk lemongrass
  3. Get 1 thumb size galangal
  4. Make ready 3 Birdseye red chilli
  5. Take 4-5 kaffir lime leaves
  6. Take Seafood Nham Jim
  7. Prepare 6-8 green bird eye chillies
  8. Make ready 1 tbsp seasalt
  9. Get 2 cloves garlic
  10. Make ready 1 1/2 lime juice
  11. Make ready 2 tbsp sugar
  12. Get 1 tsp fishsauce
  13. Prepare 1 hand coriander, finely chopped

It is perfect for your favorite seafood dishes including fish, shrimps, prawn, crabs, oysters and others. The flavor of Nam Jim Seafood sauce is a little sour, salty, sweet and very spicy. Fresh Thai Chilli Garlic Peanut Sauce. Grilled Meat Dipping Sauce, 'Nam Jim Jeaw'.

Steps to make Mussels with Thai herbs and Seafood Nham Jim Dipping Sauce🐚 🌶 🌿:
  1. Place the mussels in a big colander or mixing bowl then in the sink and run water over them, using your hands or a clean scrubbing brush to rub off any unwanted bit like seaweed, sand, barnacles, or mud spots that could be on the shell.
  2. The "beard" of a mussel is the clump of hair-like fibers that sprouts from the shell. Often farm-raised mussels will come debearded, but even so you'll want to check that there aren't some pesky ones hanging on. To remove the beard from the mussels, grab it with your thumb and forefinger and tug it toward the hinge of the mussel shell. You can also use a knife to gently scrape away the beard.
  3. Bruise lemon grass, chilli and galangal with rolling pin or in pestle and mortar. Tear kaffir lime in half.
  4. Bring water to boil and add all your herbs in. Add your mussels and bring it to high heat to let the mussels cook for 2-3 minutes.
  5. Drained water off and take some of the shells, I tend to take one part and leave some on whole.
  6. To make Nham Jim Seafood (seafood dipping sauce) Pound them all together in pestle and mortar. It should taste salty, sour, spicy and sweet 🌶.
  7. Serve your mussels with Nham jim Seafood and enjoy.
  8. Tips: If you find any mussels with open shells, lightly tap that mussel against the side of the sink. If the mussel closes up again in response to this turmoil, it's alive. If it doesn't move, discard it.

This fresh, spicy sour garlic dipping is full of rich green color, and we love it with chicken (as shown).. Sauce, Thai Dipping Sauce For Seafood, Thai Dipping Sauce From Hell, 'nam Prik Narok'. Nam Jim Jaew (Spicy Thai Dipping Sauce)Tasty Kitchen. spring onion, toasted rice powder, red chili Thai Dipping Sauce for Spring Wrap or Egg RollsGenius Kitchen. seasoned rice vinegar, garlic, crushed. The boyfriend prefers his dipping sauce to have a more round flavor, so I tend to add a little more palm sugar and fish sauce to balance out the spice and sourness. I'm thinking I might have to look out for fresh seafood more often, especially if it means the boyfriend will do all of the hard work 🙂.

So that’s going to wrap it up with this exceptional food mussels with thai herbs and seafood nham jim dipping sauce🐚 🌶 🌿 recipe. Thank you very much for your time. I’m confident that you will make this at home. There’s gonna be interesting food in home recipes coming up. Remember to save this page on your browser, and share it to your family, colleague and friends. Thank you for reading. Go on get cooking!