Heart-Shaped Bite-Sized Tonkatsu
Heart-Shaped Bite-Sized Tonkatsu

Hey everyone, hope you’re having an amazing day today. Today, I’m gonna show you how to prepare a distinctive dish, heart-shaped bite-sized tonkatsu. One of my favorites food recipes. This time, I am going to make it a bit tasty. This is gonna smell and look delicious.

Heart-Shaped Bite-Sized Tonkatsu is one of the most favored of recent trending foods on earth. It’s easy, it’s fast, it tastes yummy. It is appreciated by millions daily. Heart-Shaped Bite-Sized Tonkatsu is something which I’ve loved my whole life. They’re fine and they look fantastic.

To begin with this particular recipe, we must prepare a few components. You can have heart-shaped bite-sized tonkatsu using 15 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you can achieve that.

The ingredients needed to make Heart-Shaped Bite-Sized Tonkatsu:
  1. Make ready 6 slice Thinly sliced pork loin
  2. Take 6 Wiener sausages
  3. Make ready 1 Salt and coarsely ground black pepper
  4. Take Breading batter
  5. Take 1 - Plain flour
  6. Get 1 - Beaten egg
  7. Prepare 1 - Panko
  8. Take 1 Oil for deep frying
  9. Get Sauce
  10. Get 2 tbsp - Ketchup
  11. Prepare 1 tsp - Grainy mustard
  12. Take 1 tbsp - White wine vinegar
  13. Make ready 1 as much (to taste) Tomatoes
  14. Prepare 1 as much (to taste) Shredded cabbage
  15. Prepare 1 if you have some Watercress
Steps to make Heart-Shaped Bite-Sized Tonkatsu:
  1. Season the pork slices with salt and coarsely ground black pepper. Wrap around the wiener sausages.
  2. Cut the pork-wrapped sausages in half diagonally, put the cut slices together to form a heart, and secure with toothpicks.
  3. Coat the hearts in flour → beaten egg → panko in that order. Deep fry in 340°F/170°C oil until golden brown.
  4. Take out the toothpick and plate up the cutlets on a dish with sauce. Serve with shredded cabbage, watercress, tomatoes, or other vegetables of your choice.

So that’s going to wrap it up for this special food heart-shaped bite-sized tonkatsu recipe. Thank you very much for your time. I’m sure you can make this at home. There’s gonna be interesting food at home recipes coming up. Don’t forget to save this page on your browser, and share it to your loved ones, friends and colleague. Thank you for reading. Go on get cooking!